API Documentation for: 3.0.0

VOPlayer Class

Defined in: VOPlayer:14
Namespace: cloudkid

A class for managing audio by only playing one at a time, playing a list, and even managing captions (CloudKidCaptions library) at the same time.



  • [useCaptions=false]

Defined in VOPlayer:14


  • [useCaptions=false] Bool | cloudkid.Captions optional

    If a cloudkid.Captions object should be created for use or the captions object to use



() private

Callback for when audio/timer is finished to advance to the next item in the list.


() private

Defined in _playAudio:254

Plays the current audio item and begins preloading the next item.


  • elapsed

Defined in _update:223

The update callback used for silence timers and updating captions without active audio. This method is bound to the VOPlayer instance.


  • elapsed Int

    The time elapsed since the previous frame, in milliseconds.


  • elapsed

The update callback used for updating captions with active audio. This method is bound to the VOPlayer instance.


  • elapsed Int

    The time elapsed since the previous frame, in milliseconds.


() public

Defined in destroy:338

Cleans up this VOPlayer.


  • id
  • callback
  • cancelledCallback

Defined in play:139

Plays a single audio alias, interrupting any current playback.


  • id String

    The alias of the audio file to play.

  • callback Function

    The function to call when playback is complete.

  • cancelledCallback Function

    The function to call when playback is interrupted with a stop(), play() or playList() call.


  • list
  • callback
  • cancelledCallback

Defined in playList:159

Plays a list of audio files, timers, and/or functions, interrupting any current playback. Audio in the list will be preloaded to minimize pauses for loading.


  • list Array

    The array of items to play/call in order.

  • callback Function

    The function to call when playback is complete.

  • cancelledCallback Function

    The function to call when playback is interrupted with a stop(), play() or playList() call.


() public

Defined in stop:304

Stops playback of any audio/timer.


() public

Unloads all audio this VOPlayer has played. If trackAudio is false, this won't do anything.



SoundInst private

Defined in _audioInst:70

The current audio instance being played.


Function private

Defined in _audioListener:91

The bound _onAudioFinished call.


Function private

Defined in _callback:77

The callback for when the list is finished.


Function private

The callback for when the list is interrupted for any reason.


String private

Defined in _currentAudio:63

The current audio alias being played.


Int private

Defined in _listCounter:56

The current position in audioList.


Array private

Defined in _listHelper:120

An Array used when play() is called to avoid creating lots of Array objects.


Array private

Defined in _playedAudio:98

A list of audio file played by this, so that they can be unloaded later.


Int private

Defined in _timer:105

A timer for silence entries in the list, in milliseconds.


Array public

Defined in audioList:49

The current list of audio/silence times/functions. Generally you will not need to modify this.


cloudkid.Captions public

Defined in captions:112

The cloudkid.Captions object used for captions. The developer is responsible for initializing this with a captions dictionary config file and a reference to a text field.


Bool public

Defined in playing:128

If VOPlayer is currently playing (audio or silence).


Bool public

Defined in trackAudio:42

If the VOPlayer should keep a list of all audio it plays for unloading later. Default is false.