API Documentation for: 3.0.0

SoundInst Class

Defined in: SoundInst:1004
Namespace: cloudkid

A playing instance of a sound (or promise to play as soon as it loads). These can only be created through cloudkid.Sound.instance.play().



() public

Defined in pause:1148

Pauses this SoundInst.


() public

Defined in stop:1111

Stops this SoundInst.


() public

Defined in unpause:1161

Unpauses this SoundInst.


  • contextVol

Defined in updateVolume:1124

Updates the volume of this SoundInst.


  • contextVol Number

    The volume of the sound context that the sound belongs to. If omitted, the volume is automatically collected.



createjs.SoundInstance private

Defined in _channel:1011

SoundJS SoundInstance, essentially a sound channel.


Function private

Defined in _endCallback:1023

User's callback function for when the sound ends.


Function private

Defined in _endFunc:1017

Internal callback function for when the sound ends.


Number private

Defined in _fDur:1054

The duration in milliseconds for the fade that this sound instance is performing.


Number private

Defined in _fEnd:1066

The ending volume for the fade that this sound instance is performing.


Number private

Defined in _fEnd:1060

The starting volume for the fade that this sound instance is performing.


Number private

Defined in _fTime:1048

The current time in milliseconds for the fade that this sound instance is performing.


Function private

Defined in _startFunc:1029

User's callback function for when the sound starts. This is only used if the sound wasn't loaded before play() was called.


Array private

Defined in _startParams:1035

An array of relevant parameters passed to play(). This is only used if the sound wasn't loaded before play() was called.


String public

Defined in alias:1041

The alias for the sound that this instance was created from.


Number public

Defined in curVol:1072

The current sound volume (0 to 1). This is multiplied by the sound context's volume. Setting this won't take effect until updateVolume() is called.


Bool public

Defined in isValid:1092

An active SoundInst should always be valid. This is primarily for compatability with cloudkid.Audio.


Number public

Defined in length:1079

The length of the sound in milliseconds. This is 0 if it hasn't finished loading.


Bool public

Defined in paused:1085

If the sound is currently paused. Setting this has no effect - use pause() and unpause().


Number public

Defined in position:1101

The position of the sound playhead in milliseconds, or 0 if it hasn't started playing yet.