API Documentation for: 1.1.23


*  @module cloudkid
(function(undefined) {

	"use strict";
	*  A Multipurpose button class. It is designed to have one image, and an optional text label.
	*  The button can be a normal button or a selectable button.
	*  The button functions similarly with both CreateJS and PIXI, but slightly differently in
	*  initialization and callbacks.
	*  Use releaseCallback and overCallback to know about button clicks and mouse overs, respectively.
	*  @class Button (PIXI)
	*  @extends PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer
	*  @constructor
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings] Information about the art to be used for button states, as well as if the button is selectable or not.
	*  @param {Array} [imageSettings.priority=null] The state priority order. If omitted, defaults to ["disabled", "down", "over", "up"].
	*         Previous versions of Button used a hard coded order: ["highlighted", "disabled", "down", "over", "selected", "up"].
	*  @param {Object|PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.up] The texture for the up state of the button. This can be either the texture itself,
	*         or an object with 'tex' and 'label' properties.
	*  @param {PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.up.tex] The sourceRect for the state within the image.
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings.up.label=null] Label information specific to this state. Properties on this parameter override data 
	*         in the label parameter for this button state only. All values except "text" and "type" from the label parameter may be overridden.
	*  @param {Object|PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.over=null] The texture for the over state of the button. If omitted, uses the up state.
	*  @param {PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.over.tex] The sourceRect for the state within the image.
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings.over.label=null] Label information specific to this state. Properties on this parameter override data 
	*         in the label parameter for this button state only. All values except "text" and "type" from the label parameter may be overridden.
	*  @param {Object|PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.down=null] The texture for the down state of the button. If omitted, uses the up state.
	*  @param {PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.down.tex] The sourceRect for the state within the image.
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings.down.label=null] Label information specific to this state. Properties on this parameter override data 
	*         in the label parameter for this button state only. All values except "text" and "type" from the label parameter may be overridden.
	*  @param {Object|PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.disabled=null] The texture for the disabled state of the button. If omitted, uses the up state.
	*  @param {PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.disabled.tex] The sourceRect for the state within the image.
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings.disabled.label=null] Label information specific to this state. Properties on this parameter override data 
	*         in the label parameter for this button state only. All values except "text" and "type" from the label parameter may be overridden.
	*  @param {Object|PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>=null] The visual information about a custom state found in imageSettings.priority.
	*         Any state added this way has a property of the same name added to the button. Examples of previous states that have been
	*         moved to this system are "selected" and "highlighted".
	*  @param {PIXI.Texture} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>.tex] The texture for the custom state.
	*  @param {Object} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>.label=null] Label information specific to this state. Properties on this parameter 
	*         override data in the label parameter for this button state only. All values except "text" from the label parameter may be
	*         overridden.
	*  @param {PIXI.Point} [imageSettings.origin=null] An optional offset for all button graphics, in case you want button 
	*         positioning to not include a highlight glow, or any other reason you would want to offset the button art and label.
	*  @param {Number} [imageSettings.scale=1] The scale to use for the textures. This allows smaller art assets than the designed size to be used.
	*  @param {Object} [label=null] Information about the text label on the button. Omitting this makes the button not use a label.
	*  @param {String} [label.type] If label.type is "bitmap", then a PIXI.BitmapText text is created, otherwise a PIXI.Text is created for the label.
	*  @param {String} [label.text] The text to display on the label.
	*  @param {Object} [label.style] The style of the text field, in the format that PIXI.BitmapText and PIXI.Text expect.
	*  @param {String|Number} [label.x="center"] An x position to place the label text at relative to the button.
	*  @param {String|Number} [label.y="center"] A y position to place the label text at relative to the button. If omitted,
	*         "center" is used, which attempts to vertically center the label on the button.
	*  @param {Boolean} [enabled=true] Whether or not the button is initially enabled.
	var Button = function(imageSettings, label, enabled)
		if(!imageSettings) return;
		this.initialize(imageSettings, label, enabled);
	// Reference to the prototype
	var p = Button.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype);
	*  The sprite that is the body of the button.
	*  The type of this property is dependent on which version of the OS library is used.
	*  @public
	*  @property {PIXI.Sprite} back
	*  @readOnly
	p.back = null;

	*  The text field of the button. The label is centered by both width and height on the button.
	*  The type of this property is dependent on which version of the OS library is used.
	*  @public
	*  @property {PIXI.Text|PIXI.BitmapText} label
	*  @readOnly
	p.label = null;

	*  The function that should be called when the button is released.
	*  @public
	*  @property {function} releaseCallback
	p.releaseCallback = null;

	*  The function that should be called when the button is moused over.
	*  @public
	*  @property {function} overCallback
	p.overCallback = null;
	*  The function that should be called when mouse leaves the button.
	*  @public
	*  @property {function} outCallback
	p.outCallback = null;

	* A dictionary of state booleans, keyed by state name.
	* @private
	* @property {Object} _stateFlags
	p._stateFlags = null;
	* An array of state names (Strings), in their order of priority.
	* The standard order previously was ["highlighted", "disabled", "down", "over", "selected", "up"].
	* @private
	* @property {Array} _statePriority
	p._statePriority = null;
	* A dictionary of state graphic data, keyed by state name.
	* Each object contains the sourceRect (src) and optionally 'trim', another Rectangle.
	* Additionally, each object will contain a 'label' object if the button has a text label.
	* @private
	* @property {Object} _stateData
	p._stateData = null;

	* The current style for the label, to avoid setting this if it is unchanged.
	* @private
	* @property {Object} _currentLabelStyle
	p._currentLabelStyle = null;

	* An offset to button positioning, generally used to adjust for a highlight around the button.
	* @private
	* @property {PIXI.Point} _offset
	p._offset = null;
	//===callbacks for mouse/touch events
	* Callback for mouse over, bound to this button.
	* @private
	* @property {Function} _overCB
	p._overCB = null;

	* Callback for mouse out, bound to this button.
	* @private
	* @property {Function} _outCB
	p._outCB = null;

	* Callback for mouse down, bound to this button.
	* @private
	* @property {Function} _downCB
	p._downCB = null;

	* Callback for mouse up, bound to this button.
	* @private
	* @property {Function} _upCB
	p._upCB = null;

	* Callback for mouse up outside, bound to this button.
	* @private
	* @property {Function} _upOutCB
	p._upOutCB = null;
	* The width of the button art, independent of the scaling of the button itself.
	* @private
	* @property {Number} _width
	p._width = 0;

	* The height of the button art, independent of the scaling of the button itself.
	* @private
	* @property {Number} _height
	p._height = 0;

	* A list of state names that should not have properties autogenerated.
	* @private
	* @static
	* @property {Array} RESERVED_STATES
	var RESERVED_STATES = ["disabled", "enabled", "up", "over", "down"];
	* A state priority list to use as the default.
	* @private
	* @static
	* @property {Array} DEFAULT_PRIORITY
	var DEFAULT_PRIORITY = ["disabled", "down", "over", "up"];
	*  Constructor for the button when using PIXI.
	*  @method initialize
	*  @param  {Object} [imageSettings] Information about the art to be used for button states, as well as if the button is selectable or not.
	*  @param {Object} [label=null] Information about the text label on the button. Omitting this makes the button not use a label.
	*  @param {Boolean} [enabled=true] Whether or not the button is initially enabled.
	p.initialize = function(imageSettings, label, enabled)
		this.back = new PIXI.Sprite(imageSettings.up);
		this._overCB = this._onOver.bind(this);
		this._outCB = this._onOut.bind(this);
		this._downCB = this._onDown.bind(this);
		this._upCB = this._onUp.bind(this);
		this._upOutCB = this._onUpOutside.bind(this);

		var _stateData = this._stateData = {};
		this._stateFlags = {};
		this._offset = new PIXI.Point();
		//a clone of the label data to use as a default value, without changing the original
		var labelData;
			labelData = clone(label);
			delete labelData.text;
			delete labelData.type;
			if(labelData.x === undefined)
				labelData.x = "center";
			if(labelData.y === undefined)
				labelData.y = "center";
			//clone the style object and set up the defaults from PIXI.Text or PIXI.BitmapText
			var style = labelData.style = clone(label.style);
			if(label.type == "bitmap")
				style.align = style.align || "left";
				style.font = style.font || "bold 20pt Arial";
				style.fill = style.fill || "black";
				style.align = style.align || "left";
				style.stroke = style.stroke || "black";
				style.strokeThickness = style.strokeThickness || 0;
				style.wordWrap = style.wordWrap || false;
				style.wordWrapWidth = style.wordWrapWidth || 100;
		this._statePriority = imageSettings.priority || DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
		for(var i = this._statePriority.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)//start at the end to start at the up state
			var state = this._statePriority[i];
			//set up the property for the state so it can be set - the function will ignore reserved states
			//set the default value for the state flag
			if(state != "disabled" && state != "up")
				this._stateFlags[state] = false;
			var inputData = imageSettings[state];
				//if inputData is an object with a tex property, use that
				//otherwise it is a texture itself
					_stateData[state] = {tex: inputData.tex};
					_stateData[state] = {tex: inputData};
				//it's established that over, down, and particularly disabled default to the up state
				_stateData[state] = _stateData.up;
			//set up the label info for this state
				//if there is actual label data for this state, use that
				if(inputData && inputData.label)
					inputData = inputData.label;
					var stateLabel = _stateData[state].label = {};
					stateLabel.style = inputData.style || labelData.style;
					stateLabel.x = inputData.x || labelData.x;
					stateLabel.y = inputData.y || labelData.y;
				//otherwise use the default
					_stateData[state].label = labelData;
		//ensure that our required states exist
			Debug.error("Button lacks an up state! This is a serious problem! Input data follows:");
			_stateData.over = _stateData.up;
			_stateData.down = _stateData.up;
			_stateData.disabled = _stateData.up;
		//set up the offset
			this._offset.x = imageSettings.offset.x;
			this._offset.y = imageSettings.offset.y;
			this._offset.x = this._offset.y = 0;

			var s = imageSettings.scale || 1;
			this.back.scale.x = this.back.scale.y = s;
			this.label = label.type == "bitmap" ? new PIXI.BitmapText(label.text, labelData.style) : new PIXI.Text(label.text, labelData.style);

		this.back.x = this._offset.x;
		this.back.y = this._offset.y;
		this._width = this.back.width;
		this._height = this.back.height;
		this.enabled = enabled === undefined ? true : !!enabled;

	*  A simple function for making a shallow copy of an object.
	function clone(obj)
		if (!obj || "object" != typeof obj) return null;
		var copy = obj.constructor();
		for (var attr in obj) {
			if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = obj[attr];
		return copy;
	*  The width of the button, based on the width of back. This value is affected by scale.
	*  @public
	*  @property {Number} width
	Object.defineProperty(p, "width", {
		get:function(){return this._width * this.scale.x;},
			this.scale.x = value / this._width;
	*  The height of the button, based on the height of back. This value is affected by scale.
	*  @public
	*  @property {Number} height
	Object.defineProperty(p, "height", {
		get:function(){return this._height * this.scale.y;},
			this.scale.y = value / this._height;
	*  Sets the text of the label. This does nothing if the button was not initialized with a label.
	*  @public
	*  @method setText
	*  @param {String} text The text to set the label to.
	p.setText = function(text)
			//make the text update so we can figure out the size for positioning
			if(this.label instanceof PIXI.Text)
				this.label.dirty = false;
			//position the text
			var data;
			for(var i = 0; i < this._statePriority.length; ++i)
					data = this._stateData[this._statePriority[i]];
				data = this._stateData.up;
			data = data.label;
			if(data.x == "center")
				var bW = this.back.width, lW = this.label.width;
					case "center":
						this.label.position.x = bW * 0.5;
					case "right":
						this.label.position.x = (bW - lW) * 0.5 + lW;
					default://left or null (defaults to left)
						this.label.position.x = (bW - lW) * 0.5;
				this.label.position.x = data.x + this._offset.x;
			if(data.y == "center")
				this.label.position.y = (this.back.height - this.label.height) * 0.5;
				this.label.position.y = data.y + this._offset.y;
	*  Whether or not the button is enabled.
	*  @public
	*  @property {Boolean} enabled
	*  @default true
	Object.defineProperty(p, "enabled", {
		get: function() { return !this._stateFlags.disabled; },
		set: function(value)
			this._stateFlags.disabled = !value;
			this.buttonMode = value;
			this.interactive = value;
			//make sure interaction callbacks are properly set
				this.mousedown = this.touchstart = this._downCB;
				this.mouseover = this._overCB;
				this.mouseout = this._outCB;
				this.mousedown = this.touchstart = this.mouseover = this.mouseout = null;
				this.mouseup = this.touchend = this.mouseupoutside = this.touchendoutside = null;
				this._stateFlags.down = this._stateFlags.over = false;
				//also turn off pixi values so that re-enabling button works properly
				this.__isOver = false;

	*  Adds a property to the button. Setting the property sets the value in
	*  _stateFlags and calls _updateState().
	*  @private
	*  @method _addProperty
	*  @param {String} propertyName The property name to add to the button.
	p._addProperty = function(propertyName)
		//check to make sure we don't add reserved names
		if(RESERVED_STATES.indexOf(propertyName) >= 0) return;
		Object.defineProperty(this, propertyName, {
			get: function() { return this._stateFlags[propertyName]; },
			set: function(value)
				this._stateFlags[propertyName] = value;
	*  Updates back based on the current button state.
	*  @private
	*  @method _updateState
	p._updateState = function()
		if(!this.back) return;

		var data;
		//use the highest priority state
		for(var i = 0; i < this._statePriority.length; ++i)
				data = this._stateData[this._statePriority[i]];
		//if no state is active, use the up state
			data = this._stateData.up;
		//if we have a label, update that too
			data = data.label;
			//update the text style
			if(!this._currentLabelStyle || !doObjectsMatch(this._currentLabelStyle, data.style))
				this._currentLabelStyle = data.style;
				//make the text update so we can figure out the size for positioning
				if(this.label instanceof PIXI.Text)
					this.label.dirty = false;
			//position the text
			if(data.x == "center")
				var bW = this.back.width, lW = this.label.width;
					case "center":
						this.label.position.x = bW * 0.5;
					case "right":
						this.label.position.x = (bW - lW) * 0.5 + lW;
					default://left or null (defaults to left)
						this.label.position.x = (bW - lW) * 0.5;
				this.label.position.x = data.x + this._offset.x;
			if(data.y == "center")
				this.label.position.y = (this.back.height - this.label.height) * 0.5;
				this.label.position.y = data.y + this._offset.y;

	* A simple function for comparing the properties of two objects
	function doObjectsMatch(obj1, obj2)
		if(obj1 === obj2)
			return true;
		for(var key in obj1)
			if(obj1[key] != obj2[key])
				return false;
		return true;
	*  The callback for when the button is moused over.
	*  @private
	*  @method _onOver
	p._onOver = function(data)
		this._stateFlags.over = true;
	*  The callback for when the mouse leaves the button area.
	*  @private
	*  @method _onOut
	p._onOut = function(data)
		this._stateFlags.over = false;
	*  The callback for when the button receives a mouse down event.
	*  @private
	*  @method _onDown
	p._onDown = function(data)
		this._stateFlags.down = true;
		this.mouseup = this.touchend = this._upCB;
		this.mouseupoutside = this.touchendoutside = this._upOutCB;
	*  The callback for when the button for when the mouse/touch is released on the button
	*  - only when the button was held down initially.
	*  @private
	*  @method _onUp
	p._onUp = function(data)
		this._stateFlags.down = false;
		this.mouseup = this.touchend = null;
		this.mouseupoutside = this.touchendoutside = null;
	*  The callback for when the mouse/touch is released outside the button when the button was held down.
	*  @private
	*  @method _onUpOutside
	p._onUpOutside = function(data)
		this._stateFlags.down = false;
		this.mouseup = this.touchend = null;
		this.mouseupoutside = this.touchendoutside = null;
	*  Destroys the button.
	*  @public
	*  @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this.mousedown = this.touchstart = this.mouseover = this.mouseout = null;
		this.mouseup = this.touchend = this.mouseupoutside = this.touchendoutside = null;
		this.label = null;
		this.back = null;
		this.releaseCallback = null;
		this.overCallback = null;
		this.outCallback = null;
		this._stateData = null;
		this._stateFlags = null;
		this._statePriority = null;
		this._downCB = null;
		this._upCB = null;
		this._overCB = null;
		this._outCB = null;
		this._upOutCB = null;
	namespace('cloudkid').Button = Button;