API Documentation for: 1.1.23

OS Class

Extends createjs.Container | PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer
Defined in: OS:6
Namespace: cloudkid

Designed to mimic the feature-set of the CloudKidOS for AS3 Provides a staging framework for other things to load handles the stage query string parameters, provides debug tools, as well as browser cache-busting.



  • app

Defined in addApp:686

Add an app to this display list



  • alias
  • f

Add an update callback, must take elapsed as a parameter


  • alias String

    An alias to associate with this callback

  • f Function

    The callback function


() public

Defined in destroy:816

Destroy the instance of the OS, can init after this, also destroys the application, if around


() Application public

Defined in getApp:708

Get the current application



The current Application, null if no application


() public

Defined in getTime:553

Gets the current time in milliseconds for timing purposes


  • stageName
  • [options]
public static

Defined in init:189

Static constructor for setting up the stage


  • stageName String

    The stage name selector

  • [options] Dictionary optional

    Additional options

    • [mouseOverRate=30] Int optional

      (CreateJS only) the framerate for mouseover effects, higher is more responsive

    • [debug=false] Boolean optional

      If we should enable the Debug class for doing console and remote logs

    • [minLogLevel=0] Int optional

      The minimum log level for the Debug class, default is show all statements, values from 0 (all)-4 (errors only)

    • [ip=null] String optional

      The IP address for doing remote debugging

    • [parseQueryString=false] Boolean optional

      If we should convert the query string into OS options

    • [showFramerate=false] Boolean optional

      To display the current framerate counter

    • [clearView=false] Boolean optional

      Auto clear the stage render

    • [backgroundColor=0x000000] Int optional

      (PIXI only) The background color of the stage as a uint, e.g. 0xFFFFFF for white.

    • [preMultAlpha=false] Boolean optional

      (PIXI only) If the renderer is to use pre multiplied alpha for all images. This only affects the WebGL renderer.

    • [transparent=false] Boolean optional

      (PIXI only) The stage is transparent

    • [width] Int optional

      (PIXI only) The width of the renderer, default is the canvas width

    • [height] Int optional

      (PIXI only) The height of the renderer, default is the canvas height

    • [forceContext=null] String optional

      (PIXI only) The stage renderer, options are "canvas2d", "webgl" or null. Omitting this (or null) uses WebGL if available, and Canvas2D otherwise.

    • [raf=false] Boolean optional

      Use the request animation frame instead of a setInterval

    • [fps=60] Int optional

      Set the framerate

    • [versionsFile] String optional

      The text field to store cache-busting versions for individual files

    • [basePath] String optional

      The base path to load all files from (useful if using a CDN)

    • [cacheBust=false] Boolean optional

      If all file requests with the MediaLoader should be cacheBusted (e.g., "file.mp3?cb=123123")


    var os = cloudkid.OS.init("stage", {
        showFramerate: true,
        fps: 60,
        parseQueryString: true,
        debug: true



  • stageName
  • [options]

Defined in initialize:241

The internal constructor extends Container constructor


  • stageName String

    The string name of the stage id

  • [options] Object optional

    The optional options to set, see OS.init() for more information on the options that can be set.


  • output

Define all of the query string parameters


  • output Object

    The object reference to update


() public

Defined in pause:526

Pause the OS and stop frame updates


  • destroying
Boolean public

Defined in removeApp:632

Remove the application


  • destroying Boolean

    If the OS is being destroyed and shouldn't bother running any resetting code.



If an Application was successfully removed


  • alias

Remove an update callback, must take elapsed as a parameter


  • alias String

    The callback function alias


() public

Defined in resize:802

[PIXI Only] Resizes the renderer and the canvasContainer.


() public

Defined in resume:563

Resume the OS updates


() public

Defined in tick:748

Called by the stage listener



Application protected

Defined in _app:168

Reference to the current application


Number private

Defined in _fps:110

The current internal frames per second


Int private

Defined in _frameCount:70

The number of frames since the last fps update


createjs.Text | PIXI.Text private

Defined in _framerate:42

The frame rate object


Number private

Defined in _framerateValue:63

The calculated _framerate


OS protected static

Defined in _instance:84

Reference to the private instance object


Bool private

Defined in _isReady:34

When the OS is ready to use


Int private

The last time since the last fps update


Int private

Defined in _lastFrameTime:49

The number of ms since the last frame update


Int private

Defined in _msPerFrame:118

The number of milliseconds per frame


Bool private

Defined in _paused:26

Boolean to keep track if we're paused

_renderer The PixiJS renderer.

PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.WebGLRenderer private

[Pixi Only] The renderer used to draw the frame.


Function private

Defined in _tickCallback:77

The bound callback for listening to tick events


Number private

Defined in _tickId:93

The id of the active requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout call.


Dictionary protected

Collection of update functions


Bool private

Defined in _useRAF:101

If requestionAnimationFrame should be used

Default: false


DOMElement public

Defined in canvasContainer:159

[Pixi Only] A div that contains the canvas, so that games can layer it with other canvases if desired.


Function protected

Reference to the Container initialize()


Number public

Defined in fps:581

The FPS that the OS is targeting.


Dictionary public

Defined in options:175

The collection of query string parameters


createjs.Container | PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer private

Defined in p:17

The prototype extends the easeljs' Container class or the PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer class


createjs.Stage | PIXI.Stage public

Defined in stage:142

Reference to the stage object


Number public

Defined in stageHeight:610

Convenience for accessing the stage's height


Number public

Defined in stageWidth:596

Convenience for accessing the stage's width


String public static

Defined in VERSION:126

The version number



OS public static readonly

DEFINED IN instance:853

Static function for getting the singleton instance

Fires event instanceChange

Fires when the value for the configuration attribute instance is changed. You can listen for the event using the on method if you wish to be notified before the attribute's value has changed, or using the after method if you wish to be notified after the attribute's value has changed.


  • e EventFacade
    An Event Facade object with the following attribute-specific properties added:
    • prevVal Any
      The value of the attribute, prior to it being set.
    • newVal Any
      The value the attribute is to be set to.
    • attrName String
      The name of the attribute being set.
    • subAttrName String
      If setting a property within the attribute's value, the name of the sub-attribute property being set.