API Documentation for: 1.1.23


*  @module cloudkid
	"use strict";
	*  Used for managing the browser cache of loading external elements
	*  can easily load version manifest and apply it to the media loader
	*  supports cache busting all media load requests
	*  uses the query string to bust browser versions.
	*  @class CacheManager
	var CacheManager = function()
	/** Easy access to the prototype */
	var p = CacheManager.prototype = {};
	*  The collection of version numbers
	*  @protected
	*  @property {Dictionary} _versions
	p._versions = null;
	*  If we are suppose to cache bust every file
	*  @property {bool} cacheBust
	*  @public
	*  @default false
	p.cacheBust = false;
	* The constructor for the Cache manager
	* @public
	* @constructor
	* @method initialize
	p.initialize = function()
		this._versions = [];
		var cb = cloudkid.OS.instance.options.cacheBust;
		this.cacheBust = cb ? (cb === "true" || cb === true) : false;
			if (this.cacheBust) Debug.log("CacheBust all files is on.");
	*  Destroy the cache manager, don't use after this
	*  @public
	*  @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this._versions = null;
	*  Add the versions
	*  @public
	*  @method addVersionsFile
	*  @param {string} url The url of the versions file
	*  @param {function} callback Callback when the url has been laoded
	*  @param {string} baseUrl A base url to prepend all lines of the file
	p.addVersionsFile = function(url, callback, baseUrl)
		Debug.assert(/^.*\.txt$/.test(url), "The versions file must be a *.txt file");
		var ml = cloudkid.MediaLoader.instance;
		// If we already cache busting, we can ignore this
		if (this.cacheBust)
			if (callback) callback();
		// Add a random version number to never cache the text file
		this.addVersion(url, Math.round(Math.random()*100000));
		var cm = this;
		// Load the version
				// check for a valid result content
				if (result && result.content)
					// Remove carrage returns and split on newlines
					var lines = result.content.replace(/\r/g, '').split("\n");
					var i, parts;

					// Go line by line
					for(i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
						// Check for a valid line
						if (!lines[i]) continue;

						// Split lines
						parts = lines[i].split(' ');

						// Add the parts
						if (parts.length != 2) continue;

						// Add the versioning
						cm.addVersion((baseUrl || "") + parts[0], parts[1]);
				if (callback) callback();
	*  Add a version number for a file
	*  @method addVersion
	*  @public
	*  @param {string} url The url of the object
	*  @param {string} version Version number or has of file
	p.addVersion = function(url, version)
		var ver = this._getVersionByUrl(url);
		if (!ver)
			this._versions.push({'url': url, 'version': version});
	*  Search for a version number by url
	*  @method _getVersionByUrl
	*  @private
	*  @param {string} url The url to search
	*  @return {string} The version number as a string or null
	p._getVersionByUrl = function(url)
		var i, len = this._versions.length;
		for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
			if (url == this._versions[i].url)
				return this._versions[i];
		return null;
	*  Prepare a URL with the necessary cache busting and/or versioning
	*  as well as the base directoryr
	*  @public
	*  @method prepare
	*  @param {string} url The url to prepare
	*  @param {bool} applyBasePath If the global base path should be applied to the url. This defaults to false because it can 
	*								potentially interfere with later regular expression checks, particularly with PreloadJS
	*  @return {string} The final url with version/cache and basePath added
	p.prepare = function(url, applyBasePath)
		var ver = this._getVersionByUrl(url);
		if (this.cacheBust && /(\?|\&)cb\=[0-9]*/.test(url) === false)
				this._cbVal = new Date().getTime().toString();
			url = url + (url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "cb=" + this._cbVal;
		else if (ver && /(\?|\&)v\=[0-9]*/.test(url) === false)
			url = url + (url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "v=" + ver.version;
			var basePath = cloudkid.OS.instance.options.basePath;
			if (/^http(s)?\:/.test(url) === false && basePath !== undefined && url.search(basePath) == -1)
				url = basePath + url;
		return url;
	namespace('cloudkid').CacheManager = CacheManager;