* @module cloudkid
(function() {
"use strict";
* Drag manager is responsible for handling the dragging of stage elements.
* Supports click-n-stick (click to start, move mouse, click to release) and click-n-drag (standard dragging) functionality.
* @class DragManager (CreateJS)
* @constructor
* @param {function} startCallback The callback when when starting
* @param {function} endCallback The callback when ending
var DragManager = function(startCallback, endCallback)
this.initialize(startCallback, endCallback);
/** Reference to the drag manager */
var p = DragManager.prototype = {};
* The object that's being dragged
* @public
* @readOnly
* @property {createjs.DisplayObject} draggedObj
p.draggedObj = null;
* The radius in pixel to allow for dragging, or else does sticky click
* @public
* @property dragStartThreshold
* @default 20
p.dragStartThreshold = 20;
* The position x, y of the mouse down on the stage
* @private
* @property {object} mouseDownStagePos
p.mouseDownStagePos = null;
* The position x, y of the object when interaction with it started.
* @private
* @property {object} mouseDownObjPos
p.mouseDownObjPos = null;
* If sticky click dragging is allowed.
* @public
* @property {Bool} allowStickyClick
* @default true
p.allowStickyClick = true;
* Is the move touch based
* @public
* @readOnly
* @property {Bool} isTouchMove
* @default false
p.isTouchMove = false;
* Is the drag being held on mouse down (not sticky clicking)
* @public
* @readOnly
* @property {Bool} isHeldDrag
* @default false
p.isHeldDrag = false;
* Is the drag a sticky clicking (click on a item, then mouse the mouse)
* @public
* @readOnly
* @property {Bool} isStickyClick
* @default false
p.isStickyClick = false;
* Settings for snapping.
* Format for snapping to a list of points:
* {
* mode:"points",
* dist:20,//snap when within 20 pixels/units
* points:[
* { x: 20, y:30 },
* { x: 50, y:10 }
* ]
* }
* @public
* @property {Object} snapSettings
* @default null
p.snapSettings = null;
* Reference to the stage
* @private
* @property {createjsStage} _theStage
p._theStage = null;
* The local to global position of the drag
* @private
* @property {createjs.Point} _dragOffset
p._dragOffset = null;
* Callback when we start dragging
* @private
* @property {Function} _dragStartCallback
p._dragStartCallback = null;
* Callback when we are done dragging
* @private
* @property {Function} _dragEndCallback
p._dragEndCallback = null;
* Callback to test for the start a held drag
* @private
* @property {Function} _triggerHeldDragCallback
p._triggerHeldDragCallback = null;
* Callback to start a sticky click drag
* @private
* @property {Function} _triggerStickyClickCallback
p._triggerStickyClickCallback = null;
* Callback when we are done with the drag
* @private
* @property {Function} _stageMouseUpCallback
p._stageMouseUpCallback = null;
* The collection of draggable objects
* @private
* @property {Array} _draggableObjects
p._draggableObjects = null;
* The function call when the mouse/touch moves
* @private
* @property {function} _updateCallback
p._updateCallback = null;
* A point for reuse instead of lots of object creation.
* @private
* @property {createjs.Point} _helperPoint
p._helperPoint = null;
* Constructor
* @method initialize
* @constructor
* @param {function} startCallback The callback when when starting
* @param {function} endCallback The callback when ending
p.initialize = function(startCallback, endCallback)
this._updateCallback = this._updateObjPosition.bind(this);
this._triggerHeldDragCallback = this._triggerHeldDrag.bind(this);
this._triggerStickyClickCallback = this._triggerStickyClick.bind(this);
this._stageMouseUpCallback = this._stopDrag.bind(this);
this._theStage = cloudkid.OS.instance.stage;
this._dragStartCallback = startCallback;
this._dragEndCallback = endCallback;
this._draggableObjects = [];
this.mouseDownStagePos = {x:0, y:0};
this.mouseDownObjPos = {x:0, y:0};
* Manually starts dragging an object. If a mouse down event is not supplied as the second argument, it
* defaults to a held drag, that ends as soon as the mouse is released.
* @method startDrag
* @public
* @param {createjs.DisplayObject} object The object that should be dragged.
* @param {createjs.MouseEvent} ev A mouse down event to listen to to determine what type of drag should be used.
p.startDrag = function(object, ev)
this._objMouseDown(ev, object);
* Mouse down on an obmect
* @method _objMouseDown
* @private
* @param {createjs.MouseEvent} ev A mouse down event to listen to to determine what type of drag should be used.
* @param {createjs.DisplayObject} object The object that should be dragged.
p._objMouseDown = function(ev, obj)
// if we are dragging something, then ignore any mouse downs
// until we release the currently dragged stuff
if(this.draggedObj !== null) return;
this.draggedObj = obj;
//stop any active tweens on the object, in case it is moving around or something
//get the mouse position in global space and convert it to parent space
this._dragOffset = this.draggedObj.parent.globalToLocal(ev ? ev.stageX : 0, ev ? ev.stageY : 0);
//move the offset to respect the object's current position
this._dragOffset.x -= obj.x;
this._dragOffset.y -= obj.y;
//save the position of the object before dragging began, for easy restoration, if desired
this.mouseDownObjPos.x = obj.x;
this.mouseDownObjPos.y = obj.y;
if(!ev)//if we don't get an event (manual call neglected to pass one) then default to a held drag
this.isHeldDrag = true;
//override the target for the mousedown/touchstart event to be this object, in case we are dragging a cloned object
this._theStage._getPointerData(ev.pointerID).target = obj;
if(!this.allowStickyClick || ev.nativeEvent.type == 'touchstart')//if it is a touch event, force it to be the held drag type
this.mouseDownStagePos.x = ev.stageX;
this.mouseDownStagePos.y = ev.stageY;
this.isTouchMove = ev.nativeEvent.type == 'touchstart';
this.isHeldDrag = true;
else//otherwise, wait for a movement or a mouse up in order to do a held drag or a sticky click drag
this.mouseDownStagePos.x = ev.stageX;
this.mouseDownStagePos.y = ev.stageY;
obj.addEventListener("pressmove", this._triggerHeldDragCallback);
obj.addEventListener("pressup", this._triggerStickyClickCallback);
* Start the sticky click
* @method _triggerStickyClick
* @private
p._triggerStickyClick = function()
this.isStickyClick = true;
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressmove", this._triggerHeldDragCallback);
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressup", this._triggerStickyClickCallback);
* Start hold dragging
* @method _triggerHeldDrag
* @private
* @param {createjs.MouseEvent} ev The mouse down event
p._triggerHeldDrag = function(ev)
var xDiff = ev.stageX - this.mouseDownStagePos.x;
var yDiff = ev.stageY - this.mouseDownStagePos.y;
if(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff >= this.dragStartThreshold * this.dragStartThreshold)
this.isHeldDrag = true;
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressmove", this._triggerHeldDragCallback);
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressup", this._triggerStickyClickCallback);
* Internal start dragging on the stage
* @method _startDrag
* @private
p._startDrag = function()
var stage = this._theStage;
stage.removeEventListener("stagemousemove", this._updateCallback);
stage.addEventListener("stagemousemove", this._updateCallback);
stage.removeEventListener("stagemouseup", this._stageMouseUpCallback);
stage.addEventListener("stagemouseup", this._stageMouseUpCallback);
* Stops dragging the currently dragged object.
* @public
* @method stopDrag
* @param {Bool} doCallback If the drag end callback should be called. Default is false.
p.stopDrag = function(doCallback)
this._stopDrag(null, doCallback === true);//pass true if it was explicitly passed to us, false and undefined -> false
* Internal stop dragging on the stage
* @method _stopDrag
* @private
* @param {createjs.MouseEvent} ev Mouse up event
* @param {Bool} doCallback If we should do the callback
p._stopDrag = function(ev, doCallback)
var obj = this.draggedObj;
obj.removeEventListener("pressmove", this._triggerHeldDragCallback);
obj.removeEventListener("pressup", this._triggerStickyClickCallback);
this._theStage.removeEventListener("stagemousemove", this._updateCallback);
this._theStage.removeEventListener("stagemouseup", this._stageMouseUpCallback);
this.draggedObj = null;
this.isTouchMove = false;
this.isStickyClick = false;
this.isHeldMove = false;
if(doCallback !== false) // true or undefined
* Update the object position based on the mouse
* @method _updateObjPosition
* @private
* @param {createjs.MouseEvent} e Mouse move event
p._updateObjPosition = function(e)
if(!this.isTouchMove && !this._theStage.mouseInBounds) return;
var draggedObj = this.draggedObj;
var mousePos = draggedObj.parent.globalToLocal(e.stageX, e.stageY, this._helperPoint);
var bounds = draggedObj._dragBounds;
draggedObj.x = clamp(mousePos.x - this._dragOffset.x, bounds.x, bounds.right);
draggedObj.y = clamp(mousePos.y - this._dragOffset.y, bounds.y, bounds.bottom);
case "points":
case "grid":
//not yet implemented
case "line":
//not yet implemented
* Handles snapping the dragged object to the nearest among a list of points
* @method _handlePointSnap
* @private
* @param {createjs.Point} localMousePos The mouse position in the same space as the dragged object.
p._handlePointSnap = function(localMousePos)
var snapSettings = this.snapSettings;
var minDistSq = snapSettings.dist * snapSettings.dist;
var points = snapSettings.points;
var objX = localMousePos.x - this._dragOffset.x;
var objY = localMousePos.y - this._dragOffset.y;
var leastDist = -1;
var closestPoint = null;
for(var i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var p = points[i];
var distSq = distSquared(objX, objY, p.x, p.y);
if(distSq <= minDistSq && (distSq < leastDist || leastDist == -1))
leastDist = distSq;
closestPoint = p;
this.draggedObj.x = closestPoint.x;
this.draggedObj.y = closestPoint.y;
* Small distance squared function
var distSquared = function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
var xDiff = x1 - x2;
var yDiff = y1 - y2;
return xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff;
* Simple clamp function
var clamp = function(x,a,b)
return (x < a ? a : (x > b ? b : x));
//=== Giving functions and properties to draggable objects objects
var enableDrag = function()
this.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onMouseDownListener);
this.cursor = "pointer";
var disableDrag = function()
this.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onMouseDownListener);
this.cursor = null;
var _onMouseDown = function(ev)
this._dragMan._objMouseDown(ev, this);
* Adds properties and functions to the object - use enableDrag() and disableDrag() on
* objects to enable/disable them (they start out disabled). Properties added to objects:
* _dragBounds (Rectangle), _onMouseDownListener (Function), _dragMan (cloudkid.DragManager) reference to the DragManager
* these will override any existing properties of the same name
* @method addObject
* @public
* @param {createjs.DisplayObject} obj The display object
* @param {createjs.Rectangle} bound The rectangle bounds
p.addObject = function(obj, bounds)
bounds = {x:0, y:0, width:this._theStage.canvas.width, height:this._theStage.canvas.height};
bounds.right = bounds.x + bounds.width;
bounds.bottom = bounds.y + bounds.height;
obj._dragBounds = bounds;
if(this._draggableObjects.indexOf(obj) >= 0)
//don't change any of the functions or anything, just quit the function after having updated the bounds
obj.enableDrag = enableDrag;
obj.disableDrag = disableDrag;
obj._onMouseDownListener = _onMouseDown.bind(obj);
obj._dragMan = this;
* Removes properties and functions added by addObject().
* @public
* @method removeObject
* @param {createjs.DisplayObject} obj The display object
p.removeObject = function(obj)
delete obj.enableDrag;
delete obj.disableDrag;
delete obj._onMouseDownListener;
delete obj._dragMan;
delete obj._dragBounds;
var index = this._draggableObjects.indexOf(obj);
if(index >= 0)
this._draggableObjects.splice(index, 1);
* Destroy the manager
* @public
* @method destroy
p.destroy = function()
if(this.draggedObj !== null)
//clean up dragged obj
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressmove", this._triggerHeldDragCallback);
this.draggedObj.removeEventListener("pressup", this._triggerStickyClickCallback);
this._theStage.removeEventListener("stagemousemove", this._updateCallback);
this.draggedObj = null;
this._updateCallback = null;
this._dragStartCallback = null;
this._dragEndCallback = null;
this._triggerHeldDragCallback = null;
this._triggerStickyClickCallback = null;
this._stageMouseUpCallback = null;
this._theStage = null;
for(var i = this._draggableObjects.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var obj = this._draggableObjects[i];
delete obj.enableDrag;
delete obj.disableDrag;
delete obj._onMouseDownListener;
delete obj._dragMan;
delete obj._dragBounds;
this._draggableObjects = null;
this._helperPoint = null;
/** Assign to the global namespace */
namespace('cloudkid').DragManager = DragManager;