API Documentation for: 1.1.23


*  @module cloudkid
(function() {

	"use strict";

	*  [CreateJS only] Designed to provide utility related to Bitmaps.
	*  @class BitmapUtils (CreateJS)
	var BitmapUtils = {};

	*	Replaces Bitmaps in the global lib dictionary with a version that pulls the image from a spritesheet.
	*	@method loadSpriteSheet
	*	@static
	*	@param {Object} frameDict A dictionary of frame information, with frame, trimmed, 
	*		and spriteSourceSize properties (like the JSON hash output from TexturePacker).
	*	@param {Image|HTMLCanvasElement} spritesheetImage The spritesheet image that contains all of the frames.
	*	@param {Number} [scale=1] The scale to apply to all sprites from the spritesheet. 
	*		For example, a half sized spritesheet should have a scale of 2.
	BitmapUtils.loadSpriteSheet = function(frameDict, spritesheetImage, scale)
		if(scale > 0) 
			// Do nothing
			scale = 1;//scale should default to 1

		for(var key in frameDict)
			var frame = frameDict[key];
			var index = key.indexOf(".");
			if(index > 0)
				key = key.substring(0, index);//remove any file extension from the frame id
			var bitmap = lib[key];
			/* jshint ignore:start */
			var newBitmap = lib[key] = function()
				var child = new createjs.Bitmap(this._image);
				child.sourceRect = this._frameRect;
				var s = this._scale;
				child.setTransform(this._frameOffsetX * s, this._frameOffsetY * s, s, s);
			/* jshint ignore:end */
			var p = newBitmap.prototype = new createjs.Container();
			p._image = spritesheetImage;//give it a reference to the spritesheet
			p._scale = scale;//tell it what scale to use on the Bitmap to bring it to normal size
			var frameRect = frame.frame;
			//save the source rectangle of the sprite
			p._frameRect = new createjs.Rectangle(frameRect.x, frameRect.y, frameRect.w, frameRect.h);
			//if the sprite is trimmed, then save the amount that was trimmed off the left and top sides
				p._frameOffsetX = frame.spriteSourceSize.x;
				p._frameOffsetY = frame.spriteSourceSize.y;
				p._frameOffsetX = p._frameOffsetY = 0;
			if(bitmap && bitmap.prototype.nominalBounds)
				p.nominalBounds = bitmap.prototype.nominalBounds;//keep the nominal bounds from the original bitmap, if it existed
				p.nominalBounds = new createjs.Rectangle(0, 0, frame.sourceSize.w, frame.sourceSize.h);

	*	Replaces Bitmaps in the global lib dictionary with a version that uses a scaled bitmap, so you can load up
	*	smaller bitmaps behind the scenes that are scaled back up to normal size.
	*	@method replaceWithScaledBitmap
	*	@static
	*	@param {String|Object} idOrDict A dictionary of Bitmap ids to replace, or a single id.
	*	@param {Number} [scale] The scale to apply to the image(s).
	BitmapUtils.replaceWithScaledBitmap = function(idOrDict, scale)
		//scale is required, but it doesn't hurt to check - also, don't bother for a scale of 1
		if(scale != 1 && scale > 0) 
			// Do nothing

		var key, bitmap, newBitmap, p;
		if(typeof idOrDict == "string")
			key = idOrDict;
			bitmap = lib[key];
				/* jshint ignore:start */
				newBitmap = lib[key] = function()
					var child = new this._oldBM();
					child.setTransform(0, 0, this._scale, this._scale);
				/* jshint ignore:end */
				p = newBitmap.prototype = new createjs.Container();
				p._oldBM = bitmap;//give it a reference to the Bitmap
				p._scale = scale;//tell it what scale to use on the Bitmap to bring it to normal size
				p.nominalBounds = bitmap.prototype.nominalBounds;//keep the nominal bounds
			for(key in idOrDict)
				bitmap = lib[key];
					/* jshint ignore:start */
					newBitmap = lib[key] = function()
						var child = new this._oldBM();
						child.setTransform(0, 0, this._scale, this._scale);
					/* jshint ignore:end */
					p = newBitmap.prototype = new createjs.Container();
					p._oldBM = bitmap;//give it a reference to the Bitmap
					p._scale = scale;//tell it what scale to use on the Bitmap to bring it to normal size
					p.nominalBounds = bitmap.prototype.nominalBounds;//keep the nominal bounds

	namespace('cloudkid').BitmapUtils = BitmapUtils;