API Documentation for: 0.2.8


 * @module Pixi Flash
 * @namespace pixiflash
	 * Utilities for converting 
	 * @class utils
	var utils = {};

	 * Convert the loaded texture atlas to images
	 * @method addImages
	 * @static
	 * @param {PIXI.Texture} atlas The atlas to convert images
	utils.addImages = function(atlas)
		var id;

		// This needs to happen before we create the character
		// so that the textures exist for the movieclip
		for(var frame in atlas.textures)
			// Remove the file extension from the image name
			id = frame.substring(0, frame.indexOf("."));
			window.pixiflash_images[id] = atlas.textures[frame];

	 * Convert a string color "#ffffff" to int 0xffffff
	 * @method colorToHex
	 * @private
	 * @param {String} color
	 * @return {int} The hex color
	utils.colorToHex = function(color)
		if (/^rgba\(/.test(color))
			// Remove "rgba(" and ")" and turn into array
			color = color.substring(5, color.length - 1).split(',');
			color = 65536 * parseInt(color[0]) +
				256 * parseInt(color[1]) +
			color = parseInt(color.replace(/^#/, ''), 16);
		return color;

	// Assign to namespace
	pixiflash.utils = utils;
