API Documentation for: 1.0.0


*  @module cloudkid
	// Imports
	var Task = cloudkid.Task;
	*   A task to do some generic async function task
	*   @class FunctionTask
	*   @constructor
	*   @extends Task
	*   @param {String} id Alias for this task
	*   @param {function} serviceCall Function the service call
	*   @param {function} callback Function to call when the task is completed
	*   @param {*} args The arguments passed to the service call
	var FunctionTask = function(id, serviceCall, callback, args)
		this.initialize(id, serviceCall, callback, args);
	/** Reference to the inherieted task */
	var p = FunctionTask.prototype = new Task();
	/** Super for the constructor */
	p.Task_initialize = p.initialize;
	/** Super for the destroy function */
	p.Task_destroy = p.destroy;
	* The url of the file to load
	* @property {function} serviceCall
	p.serviceCall = null;
	* The media loader priorty of the load
	* @property {*} args
	p.args = null;
	*   Create the service task
	*   @function initialize
	*   @param {String} id The key for the task
	*   @param {function} serviceCall Function the service call
	*   @param {function} callback The function to callback when done
	*   @param {*} args The arguments passed to the service call, (callback is first)
	p.initialize = function(id, serviceCall, callback, args)
		this.Task_initialize(id, callback);
		this.serviceCall = serviceCall;
		this.args = [];
		// Get the additional arguments as an array
		if (args)
			var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
			this.args = a.slice(3);
	*   Start the load
	*   @function start
	*   @param {function} callback Callback to call when the load is done
	p.start = function(callback)
		this.serviceCall.apply(null, [callback].concat(this.args));
	* Get a string representation of this task
	* @function toString
	* @return {String} A string representation of this task
	p.toString = function()
		return "[FunctionTask ID (" + this.id + ")]";
	*  Destroy this load task and don't use after this
	*  @function destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		if (this._isDestroyed) return;
		this.serviceCall = null;
		this.args = null;
	// Assign to the namespacing
	namespace('cloudkid').FunctionTask = FunctionTask;