API Documentation for: 2.3.1


*  @module cloudkid
	"use strict";

	*   CharacterClip is used by the CharacterController class
	*   @class CharacterClip
	*   @constructor
	*   @param {String} event Animator event to play
	*   @param {int} loops The number of loops
	var CharacterClip = function(event, loops)
		this.initialize(event, loops);
	var p = CharacterClip.prototype;
	* The event to play
	*@property {String} event
	p.event = null;
	* The number of times to loop
	* @property {int} loops
	p.loops = 0;
	*   Initialiaze this character clip
	*   @function initialize
	*   @param {String} event The frame label to play using Animator.play
	*   @param {int} loops The number of times to loop, default of 0 plays continuously
	p.initialize = function(event, loops)
		this.event = event;
		this.loops = loops || 0;
	// Assign to the cloudkid namespace
	namespace('cloudkid').CharacterClip = CharacterClip;