(function(undefined) {
* A class similar to createjs.MovieClip, but made to play animations from a cloudkid.TextureAtlas.
* The CreateJS Sprite class requires a spritesheet with equal sized and spaced frames. By using cloudkid.TextureAtlas,
* you can use a much smaller spritesheet, sprites on screen with fewer extra transparent pixels, and use the same
* API as MovieClip.
* See "Export BitmapMovieClip.jsfl" in the library for a script that will export a selected MovieClip in the library
* with all of the information (except data.scale) needed to reassemble the BitmapMovieClip.
* @class BitmapMovieClip
* @extends createjs.Container
* @constructor
* @param {TextureAtlas} atlas=null The texture atlas to pull frames from.
* @param {Object} data=null Initialization data
* @param {int} [data.fps] Framerate to play the movieclip at. Omitting this will use the current framerate.
* @param {Object} [data.labels] A dictionary of the labels in the movieclip to assist in playing animations.
* @param {Object} [data.origin={x:0,y:0}] The origin of the movieclip.
* @param {Array} [data.frames] An array of frame sequences to pull from the texture atlas.
* @param {String} [data.frames.name] The name to use for the frame sequence. This should include a "#" to be replaced with the image number.
* @param {int} [data.frames.min] The first frame number in the frame sequence.
* @param {int} [data.frames.max] The last frame number in the frame sequence.
* @param {int} [data.frames.digits=4] The maximum number of digits in the names of the frames, e.g. myAnim0001 has 4 digits.
* @param {Number} [data.scale=1] The scale at which the art was exported, e.g. a scale of 1.4 means the art was increased
* in size to 140% before exporting and should be scaled back down before drawing to the screen.
* Format for data:
* {
* fps:30,
* labels:
* {
* animStart:0,
* animStart_loop:15
* },
* origin:{ x: 20, y:30 },
* frames:
* [
* {
* name:"myAnim#",
* min:1,
* max:20,
* digits:4
* }
* ],
* scale:1
* }
* The object describes a 30 fps animation that is 20 frames long, and was originally myAnim0001.png->myAnim0020.png,
* with frame labels on the first and 16th frame. 'digits' is optional, and defaults to 4.
var BitmapMovieClip = function(atlas, data)
this.mouseChildren = false;//mouse events should reference this, not the child bitmap
this._bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap();
if(atlas && data)
this.init(atlas, data);
var p = BitmapMovieClip.prototype = new createjs.Container();
var s = createjs.Container.prototype;
//==== Public properties =====
* Indicates whether this BitmapMovieClip should loop when it reaches the end of its timeline.
* @property loop
* @type Boolean
* @default true
p.loop = true;
* The current frame of the movieclip.
* @property currentFrame
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @readonly
p.currentFrame = 0;
* If true, the BitmapMovieClip's position will not advance when ticked.
* @property paused
* @type Boolean
* @default false
p.paused = false;
* If true, the BitmapMovieClip will advance its timeline during ticks. If false then it must be externally advanced.
* @property advanceDuringTicks
* @type Boolean
* @default true
p.advanceDuringTicks = true;
* By default BitmapMovieClip instances advance one frame per tick. Specifying a framerate for the BitmapMovieClip
* will cause it to advance based on elapsed time between ticks as appropriate to maintain the target
* framerate.
* For example, if a BitmapMovieClip with a framerate of 10 is placed on a Stage being updated at 40fps, then the BitmapMovieClip will
* advance roughly one frame every 4 ticks. This will not be exact, because the time between each tick will
* vary slightly between frames.
* This feature is dependent on the tick event object (or an object with an appropriate "delta" property) being
* passed into {{#crossLink "Stage/update"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @property framerate
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
Object.defineProperty(p, 'framerate', {
get: function() {
return this._framerate;
set: function(value) {
if(value > 0)
this._framerate = value;
this._duration = value ? this._frames.length / value : 0;
this._framerate = this._duration = 0;
* When the BitmapMovieClip is framerate independent, this is the time elapsed from frame 0 in seconds.
* @property elapsedTime
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @public
Object.defineProperty(p, 'elapsedTime', {
get: function() {
return this._t;
set: function(value) {
this._t = value;
//==== Private properties =====
* By default BitmapMovieClip instances advance one frame per tick. Specifying a framerate for the BitmapMovieClip
* will cause it to advance based on elapsed time between ticks as appropriate to maintain the target
* framerate.
* @property _framerate
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @private
p._framerate = 0;
* When the BitmapMovieClip is framerate independent, this is the total time in seconds for the animation.
* @property _duration
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @private
p._duration = 0;
* When the BitmapMovieClip is framerate independent, this is the time elapsed from frame 0 in seconds.
* @property _t
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @private
p._t = 0;
* @property _prevPosition
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @private
p._prevPosition = 0;
* The Bitmap used to render the current frame of the animation.
* @property _bitmap
* @type createjs.Bitmap
* @private
p._bitmap = 0;
* An array of frame labels.
* @property _labels
* @type Array
* @private
p._labels = 0;
* An array of textures.
* @property _frames
* @type Array
* @private
p._frames = null;
* The current texture.
* @property _currentTexture
* @type cloudkid.TextureAtlas.Texture
* @private
p._currentTexture = null;
* The origin point of the BitmapMovieClip.
* @property _origin
* @type createjs.Point
* @private
p._origin = null;
* A scale to apply to the images in the BitmapMovieClip
* to restore normal size (if spritesheet was exported at a smaller or larger size).
* @property _scale
* @type Number
* @private
p._scale = 1;
//==== Public Methods =====
* Returns true or false indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas.
* This does not account for whether it would be visible within the boundaries of the stage.
* NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
* @method isVisible
* @return {Boolean} Boolean indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas
p.isVisible = function() {
// children are placed in draw, so we can't determine if we have content.
return !!(this.visible && this.alpha > 0 && this.scaleX !== 0 && this.scaleY !== 0);
* Draws the display object into the specified context ignoring its visible, alpha, shadow, and transform.
* Returns true if the draw was handled (useful for overriding functionality).
* NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
* @method draw
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx The canvas 2D context object to draw into.
* @param {Boolean} ignoreCache Indicates whether the draw operation should ignore any current cache.
* For example, used for drawing the cache (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back
* into itself).
p.draw = function(ctx, ignoreCache) {
// draw to cache first:
if (this.DisplayObject_draw(ctx, ignoreCache)) { return true; }
s.draw.call(this, ctx, ignoreCache);//Container's call
return true;
* Sets paused to false.
* @method play
p.play = function() {
this.paused = false;
* Sets paused to true.
* @method stop
p.stop = function() {
this.paused = true;
* Advances this movie clip to the specified position or label and sets paused to false.
* @method gotoAndPlay
* @param {String|Number} positionOrLabel The animation name or frame number to go to.
p.gotoAndPlay = function(positionOrLabel) {
this.paused = false;
* Advances this movie clip to the specified position or label and sets paused to true.
* @method gotoAndStop
* @param {String|Number} positionOrLabel The animation or frame name to go to.
p.gotoAndStop = function(positionOrLabel) {
this.paused = true;
* Advances the playhead. This occurs automatically each tick by default.
* @param [time] {Number} The amount of time in ms to advance by. Only applicable if framerate is set.
* @method advance
p.advance = function(time) {
if(this._framerate > 0)
this._t += time * 0.001;//milliseconds -> seconds
if(this._t > this._duration)
this._t = this.loop ? this._t - this._duration : this._duration;
this._prevPosition = Math.floor(this._t * this._framerate);
if(this._prevPosition >= this._frames.length)
this._prevPosition = this._frames.length - 1;
else if(this.advanceDuringTicks)
this._prevPosition = this._prevPosition + 1;
* Returns a sorted list of the labels defined on this BitmapMovieClip. Shortcut to TweenJS: Timeline.getLabels();
* @method getLabels
* @return {Array[Object]} A sorted array of objects with label and position (aka frame) properties.
p.getLabels = function() {
return this._labels;
* Returns the name of the label on or immediately before the current frame. See TweenJS: Timeline.getCurrentLabel()
* for more information.
* @method getCurrentLabel
* @return {String} The name of the current label or null if there is no label.
p.getCurrentLabel = function() {
var labels = this._labels;
var current = null;
for(var i = 0, len = labels.length; i < len; ++i)
if(labels[i].position <= this.currentFrame)
current = labels[i].label;
return current;
* Returns the name of the label on or immediately before the current frame. See TweenJS: Timeline.getCurrentLabel()
* for more information.
* @method init
* @param {TextureAtlas} atlas The texture atlas to pull frames from.
* @param {Object} data Initialization data
* @param {int} [data.fps] Framerate to play the movieclip at. Omitting this will use the current framerate.
* @param {Object} [data.labels] A dictionary of the labels in the movieclip to assist in playing animations.
* @param {Object} [data.origin={x:0,y:0}] The origin of the movieclip.
* @param {Array} [data.frames] An array of frame sequences to pull from the texture atlas.
* @param {String} [data.frames.name] The name to use for the frame sequence. This should include a "#" to be replaced with the image number.
* @param {int} [data.frames.min] The first frame number in the frame sequence.
* @param {int} [data.frames.max] The last frame number in the frame sequence.
* @param {int} [data.frames.digits=4] The maximum number of digits in the names of the frames, e.g. myAnim0001 has 4 digits.
* @param {Number} [data.scale=1] The scale at which the art was exported, e.g. a scale of 1.4 means the art was increased
* in size to 140% before exporting and should be scaled back down before drawing to the screen.
* Format for data:
* {
* fps:30,
* labels:
* {
* animStart:0,
* animStart_loop:15
* },
* origin:{ x: 20, y:30 },
* frames:
* [
* {
* name:"myAnim#",
* min:1,
* max:20,
* digits:4
* }
* ]
* }
* The object describes a 30 fps animation that is 20 frames long, and was originally myAnim0001.png->myAnim0020.png,
* with frame labels on the first and 16th frame. 'digits' is optional, and defaults to 4.
p.init = function(atlas, data)
//collect the frame labels
var labels = this._labels = [];
for(var name in data.labels)
labels.push({label:name, position: data.labels[name]});
//collect the frames
this._frames = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.frames.length; ++i)
var frameSet = data.frames[i];
atlas.getFrames(frameSet.name, frameSet.min, frameSet.max, frameSet.digits, this._frames);
//set up the framerate
this.framerate = data.fps;
else if(this._framerate)
this.framerate = this._framerate;
if(data.scale && data.scale > 0)
this._scale = 1 / data.scale;
this._scale = 1;
this._bitmap.scaleX = this._bitmap.scaleY = this._scale;
this._origin = new createjs.Point(data.origin.x * this._scale, data.origin.y * this._scale);
this._origin = new createjs.Point();
function labelSorter(a, b)
return a.position - b.position;
* Copies the labels, textures, origin, and framerate from another BitmapMovieClip.
* The labels and textures are copied by reference, instead of a deep copy.
* @method copyFrom
* @param {BitmapMovieClip} other The movieclip to copy data from.
p.copyFrom = function(other)
this._frames = other._frames;
this._labels = other._labels;
this._origin = other._origin;
this._framerate = other._framerate;
this._duration = other._duration;
this._scale = other._scale;
this._bitmap.scaleX = this._bitmap.scaleY = this._scale;
* Destroys the BitmapMovieClip, removing all children and nulling all reference variables.
* @method destroy
p.destroy = function()
this._bitmap = null;
this._frames = null;
this._origin = null;
//===== Private Methods =====
* @method _tick
* @param {Object} props Properties to copy to the DisplayObject {{#crossLink "DisplayObject/tick"}}{{/crossLink}} event object.
* function.
* @protected
p._tick = function(props) {
s._tick.call(this, props);
* @method _goto
* @param {String|Number} positionOrLabel The animation name or frame number to go to.
* @protected
p._goto = function(positionOrLabel) {
var pos = null;
if(typeof positionOrLabel == "string")
var labels = this._labels;
for(var i = 0, len = labels.length; i < len; ++i)
if(labels[i].label == positionOrLabel)
pos = labels[i].position;
pos = positionOrLabel;
if (pos === null) { return; }
this._prevPosition = pos;
if(this._framerate > 0)
this._t = pos / this._framerate;
this._t = 0;
* @method _updateTimeline
* @protected
p._updateTimeline = function() {
if(this._prevPosition < 0)
this._prevPosition = 0;
else if(this._prevPosition >= this._frames.length)
this._prevPosition = this._frames.length - 1;
this.currentFrame = this._prevPosition;
if(this._currentTexture != this._frames[this.currentFrame])
var tex = this._currentTexture = this._frames[this.currentFrame];
this._bitmap.image = tex.image;
this._bitmap.sourceRect = tex.frame;
this._bitmap.x = -this._origin.x + tex.offset.x * this._bitmap.scaleX;
this._bitmap.y = -this._origin.y + tex.offset.y * this._bitmap.scaleY;
* @method _reset
* @private
p._reset = function() {
this._prevPosition = 0;
this._t = 0;
this.currentFrame = 0;
namespace('cloudkid').BitmapMovieClip = BitmapMovieClip;